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Here is some basic information on the four major Archangels of Christian mythology, as well as their prayers. The prayers to them are to invoke them into your life or situation to help aid you. In some denominations, they are also given the title of Saint. So when you see Saint/St. before their names, it still refers to the Archangels.

The Archangel Michael

 Michael is the patron saint of the Military, Police, Firemen, death, and people who work in dangerous conditions. St. Michael the Archangel has inspired artists, accompanied souls, and protected God’s people throughout the ages as the leader of the angels and a true warrior of God. Michael fights to re-establish divine justice; he defends the People of God from their enemies and above all from the arch-enemy par excellence, the devil, and his demons. His name means “One who is like God.” or “Whom is like God.” He is also often called upon by exorcists when casting out demons and other negative entities or by people who pray to him for divine protection against evil.


The Archangel Raphael
Raphael is considered patron of travelers, against nightmares, the blind, happy meetings, nurses, doctors, physicians, medical workers, matchmakers,  Christian marriage, and Catholic studies. As a particular enemy of the devil, he was revered in Catholic Europe as a special protector of sailors. Saying a prayer to St. Raphael for healing and illuminating the way when we are lost or uncertain. His name means, “God heals” or “Medicine of God”.  As such, he is often prayed to by those who are suffering from illness or injury and by those who seek to heal them.

The Archangel Gabriel

Because of his role as the Angel of the Annunciation, who brought the message of Jesus’ birth to the Mother of God, he is the Holy Patron Saint of all those who work in the field of communication and telecommunications. He is an archangel with the power to announce God’s will to men. He is the herald of visions and the messenger of God. He makes God’s message understandable to people and helps them to accept it with a pure heart.  Many professions can rely on his support and protection in daily working life, including postal employees, philatelists, delivery men, garbage collectors, radio presenters, and diplomats. His name means “God is my Strength” or “God is my Hero/Savior”.


The Archangel Uriel

Uriel is known as the angel of wisdom and the master of knowledge. Uriel means “God is my light” or “fire of God.” The faithful turn to Uriel for help seeking God’s will before making decisions, learning new information, solving problems, and resolving conflicts. They also turn to him for help letting go of destructive emotions such as anxiety and anger, which can prevent believers from discerning wisdom or recognizing dangerous situations.
Uriel serves as the patron saint of the arts and sciences for his ability to inspire and awaken the intellect. In some Catholic traditions, he also has patronage over the seven sacraments of the church. For these Catholics, Uriel is the patron of confirmation, guiding the faithful as they reflect on the holy nature of the sacrament.

Prayer to St. Michael
The Archangel
St. Michael the Archangel,
Defend us in battle.
Be our safeguard against
The wickedness and
Snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him
We humbly pray,
And do thou,
O’ Prince of the
Heavenly Hosts,
By the power of God,
Thrust into Hell Satan,
And all the evil spirits,
Who prowl about the world
Seeking the ruin of souls.

Prayer to St. Gabriel
The Archangel

O God,
who from among
all your angels chose
the Archangel Gabriel
to announce the mystery
of the Incarnation,
mercifully grant that
we who solemnly remember him
on earth may feel the benefit of
his patronage in heaven,
who lives and reigns
forever and ever.

Prayer to St. Raphael
The Archangel
Glorious Archangel St. Raphael,
great prince of the heavenly
court, you are illustrious for your
gifts of wisdom and grace. You
are a guide of those who journey
by land or sea or air, consoler of
the afflicted, and refuge of sinners.
I beg you, assist me in all my
needs and in all the sufferings of
this life, as once you helped the
young Tobias on his travels.
Because you are the “medicine of
God,” I humbly pray you to heal
the many infirmities of my soul
and the ills that afflict my body.
I especially ask of you the favor
(-Name It-) and the great grace of
purity to prepare me to be the
temple of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer to St. Uriel
The Archangel
O illustrious St. Uriel, the Archangel of
God’s Divine Justice, as you hold the
heavenly scales that weigh our lives on
Earth, we ask you to intercede for us, that
God may forgive us all our sins. Obtain
for us the grace of true repentance and
conversion of heart that we may be
spared of the punishment we deserve.
Offer our prayers to God in our search for
true peace and happiness founded on
truth and Justice. We pray for those who
are suffering from inhumanities, dying
because of injustice and the oppressed
due to manipulation and exploitation. We
also, pray for our less fortunate brothers and
ourselves for the following intentions
(-Here Mention Requests-)
Present to God the Father all these
petitions through Jesus Christ our Lord
together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

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